Govt. Degree College, Khad
w.e.f. 16 August  2021
Time 10:00 am to 10:40 am 10:40 am to 11:20am 11:20 am to 12:00 pm 12:00 pm to 12:40 pm 12:40 pm to 1:20pm 1:20 pm to 2:00pm
1st Year B.A. & B. Com B.A. B.A. & B. Com B.A. B.A. & B. Com B.A. & B. Com
English-1 Core English (1-6)RR (R 2) Environmental Studies (6 )VS(R4) Hindi Compulsory (6 )RC( R2) Political Science (DSC1) (1-3)VS(R4) Writing Skills(1-6)RR(R2) History( DSC1)1-3(R6)
Economics (DSC-1) (1-3)GS(R3) Political Science (DSC2)(4-6)VS  R4) History( DSC1)4-6(R6)
Economics (DSC-2) (4-5)GS(R3) English (DSC1)( 1-3)RR(R3)
Hindi (DSC-1) (1-3 )RC(R5) English (DSC2) (4-6)RR (R3)
Hindi (DSC-2) 4-5 RC(R5)
  B. Com B. Com B. Com
Financial Accounting( 1-3)GK(R6)  Business Organisation and Management (4-5)GK(R6) Business Mathematics and Statistics (1-6) SKS(R2) Business Law (4-6) SKS(R1)
2nd Year B.A. B.A. B.A. & B. Com   B.A. B.A.
Economics (DSC-1) (1-3  )GS(R3) Political Science (DSC1) (1-3) VC(R4) English( 1-3)RR(R2) Political Science (SEC)( 1-3 )VS(R4)
Economics (DSC-2)  (4-6 )GS(R3) Political Science (DSC2) (4-5)  VC(R4) Hindi Compulsory( 5 )RC( R2) Political Science (SEC) (4-6 )VS(R4)
Hindi (DSC-1) (1-3 )RC(R5) Economics (SEC-1)  (1-3 )GS(R3)
Hindi (DSC-2) (4-6) RC(R5) Economics (SEC-2)  (4-6) GS(R3)
Hindi  (SEC-1) (1-3) RC(R5)
Hindi  (SEC-2) (4-6) RC(R5)
B. Com B. Com     B. Com  
Income Tax Law and Practice (1-6) SKS( R6) Corporate Accounting (1-6 )GK (R2) Computer Applications in Business(4,6)SKS(R1) Company Law (1-3)SKS(R6) Cost Accounting (1-6)GK(R2)
E-Commerce (4-6)GK(R6)
3rd year B.A. B.A. B.A. B.A.
Economics (DSE1) (1-3) /Economy of Himachal Pradesh(GEC-1) (1-3) GS (R1)   English GEC-1(1-3)RR (R4)
Political Science (DSE-1) (1-2)VS(R4) Economics (DSE2)Development of Economics(GEC-2) (4-6) GS(R3) Economics (SEC-3) (1-3)  GS(R6) English GEC-2(4-6)RR(R4)
Political Science (DSE-2)( 3-4)VS(R4) Economics (SEC-4) Money and Banking(4-5) GS(R6)
Political Science (GEC-1)( 5)VS(R4) History (DSE1) 1-3 R1
Political Science (GEC-2)( 6)VS(R4) Hindi (DSE1) (1-2)RC(R5) History (DSE -2) (4 )R1
Hindi (DSE2) RC (3-4)(R5)  Hindi (SEC-3) 1-3(GS)R5 History (SEC) (5-6 )(R1)
Political Science (SEC-3) (1-3)R4 Hindi (SEC4) 4-6(GS)R5
Political Science (SEC-4) 4-6 R4 History (SEC) 4-5 (R6)                                   History (GEC) 6 (R6)
B. Com B. Com B. Com B. Com B. Com B. Com
Management Accounting( 1-3)GK(R1)  Corporate Governance &Auditing(1-3)  SKS (R1) Economy of Himachal Pradesh(GEC1) (1-3) GS (R1) Personal Selling and Salesmanship (1-3) GK(R1) Fundamentals of Financial Management (1-3)SKS(R1)
Entrepreneurship (4-6)GK(R1) Indian Economy(6) GS (R1) Fundamentals of Investment (4-6) SKS(R1)
Subjects Faculty Name Designation Faculty Name Room
English Sh. Ravi Raj Associate Professor RR= Sh. Ravi Raj R=Room
Hindi Dr. Reena Chandel Assistant Professor RC=Dr. Reena Chandel
Economics Sh. Gurmel Singh Assistant Professor GS=Sh. Gurmel Singh
Commerce Smt. Gurjeet Kaur Assistant Professor GK=Smt. Gurjeet Kaur
Political Science Sh. Virender Singh Assistant Professor VS=Sh. Virender Singh Principal
Commerce Sh. Sudhir Kumar Saklani Assistant Professor SKS=Sh. Sudhir Kumar Saklani GDC, Khad